Thursday, January 15, 2009

私の尊敬する人(The Person I Respect)

Mother Teresaは'There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.'と言っていました。Mother Teresa は 修道女です。親切な人です。Macedoniaで生まれました。CalcuttaのSt.Mary高校は1931から1948まで教えました。IndiaのCalcuttaはとてもびんほうなところでした。そこ、ほとんどの人は苦しみました。Mother Teresa はよくそこ人を手伝いました。1979 Nobel Prize in Peace の受賞者でした。いま、死にました。でも、Mother Teresaの精神を維持します。Mother Teresa は"Peace begins with a smile."と言っていました。

2 comments: said...

mother teresa already known as st. teresa if i'm x mistaken..the saint title is given for some1 who performed miracles-after-death dat is realated to religious friend told me dat there was a time a baker baked a cake n he dreamed about mother teresa,then the cake suddenly appeared d image of her...till now, the cake is still in good condition..mybe dat we call as performed miracle-after-death...sorry if i'm giving u wrong info but i'm just sharing whay i know...hehe

layee said...

Thanks for your sharing of information.That's a very interesting story indeed. Is it true that the cake is still preserved untill now? I'm just wondering. As far as i know,the title 'Saint Teresa' is not commonly used by people to address the respectful Mother Teresa.Besides,people may be confusing with the 'Saint Teresa of Avila, also called Saint Teresa of Jesus', which is more widely known by people.